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Preparing Your Restaurant Equipment for Reopening

Updated: Feb 26

Restaurants were hit hard by COVID-19, and although some switched to a takeout and delivery model, there are still plenty that have had their doors shut for months.


When most restaurant owners think about reopening, they're preoccupied with cleaning procedures and staff training. Those things are indispensable, but some owners neglect another essential part: their commercial kitchen equipment maintenance.


Malfunctioning equipment could cause damage to your restaurant, slow down orders, and cost you a lot of money. The government has some tips for restaurant owners who are prepping to reopen, and we have some advice of our own. We can help test and service existing equipment, find replacement equipment, develop an ongoing maintenance plan, and much more. 


If you want to ensure your equipment is ready to meet customer demand when you open your doors, make sure you follow these tips.



Deep Clean and Test Ovens and Fryers

Taking apart your burners and air vents and giving them a deep cleaning before you open your doors is highly recommended. Doing so can help remove old grease, dirt, and dust and help make your equipment function better. This can also improve air circulation and help prevent fire hazards.


Take time to test each burner, fryer, and oven in your restaurant before you start cooking. If things aren't lighting or heating, bring out a maintenance specialist ASAP or start looking for spare parts.



Be Kind to Your Fridge

Don't set your fridge to the lowest temperature and wait for it to get cold. This could easily blow out the motor after months of sitting idly. Set it at your usual temperature and give it time to reach it.


Also, be sure to give your fridge a good in-depth cleaning. Wipe down all of the surfaces and start gradually loading in food from bottom to top. Cleaning off coils and checking drainage lines could help solve some performance issues you're seeing.



Test Your Drains and Tubes

Take time to check and unclog all your drains, tubing, and filters on your dishwasher, water filtration systems, and beverage lines. They may not have been used in months, but build-up and calcification can still occur.


We also recommend running a few loads through your dishwasher before you officially open up. This will give you enough time to see if you have any drainage, filling, and sealing issues.



Find Backup Restaurant Equipment

It's possible that some equipment could be damaged beyond repair and may need to be replaced. Be sure you know where to find used restaurant equipment if you find yourself in a pinch. Schedule an inspection with us and let us help you determine your commercial kitchen equipment repair or replacement options.


Remember, you're far from the only restaurant that's reopening after months of being closed. Scope out potential replacements now, so you're not left in the lurch if you're missing something.



Get Professional Help

You don't have to reopen your restaurant alone. Call the experts of commercial kitchen equipment maintenance in Calgary and help ensure your restaurant is safe and ready for customers as soon as you open.


We'll check thermostats to ensure everything is working properly and inspect pilots to make sure they're hit and firing. After you've successfully reopened your kitchen, be sure to ask us about our planned maintenance (PM) program to ensure your kitchen stays up and running.


A PM program is crucial to ensuring your restaurant kitchen equipment works optimally when you need it most while keeping in check with warranty requirements. If we find that something isn't working, we'll give you a repair quote fast. Our first-time fix rate of 91% shows that we're the right people to handle your restaurant reopening.


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